American Identity

One of my favorite things that we talked about in class was the idea of whiteness, that sounds bad I know. My dad’s side of my family is from Morocco in North Africa, while my mom’s family is from Mexico and Spain but yet I look white. I don’t want to identify as a white male because my linage does not support that, but to most people my race is simply about the color of my skin not my history. This sounds really ungrateful for me to complain about when racism is still an issue for many people today. My friends always tell me that I’m the only person who has white privilege but doesn’t want it and would rather be seen as a minority or a foreigner. Even then its difficult because I don’t know what Morocco is seen as, because in reality I could said that I am African-American because my linage comes from Africa and they migrate here to America but if I identity as such people would be very angry and disagree with me. The whole idea of race being only black and white is incredibility infuriating to me but I enjoyed talking about it in class.

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