The Shallows

I was not a fan of this book at all. I’m so tired of hearing previous generations complain and blame Millennials for current world problems. It’s always someone else’s fault for something changing instead of it just being normal human progression. Music is not ruined just because you don’t like the way it sounds. while I agree the attention spans are shorter its because of the amount stimulations that we have access to, with constant availability to information and entertainment its hard to focus on. There are many things that demand our attention whether it be classes, friends or family. We are always changing but change is not always explicitly bad.


Technology has had a insane impact and influence on our past and our future. It has impacted all aspects of life not only humanity. We have the ability to listen to peoples voices and see the in movies when in reality they have been dead for years. when you think about that it becomes a version of immorality, the artists live forever through their music as long as they are remembered. I feel like people only truly die is when they are completely forgotten. The same goes for literature. As long as new generations can learn from previous generations stories and information then humanity will be okay. History is about learning from the past so that we are not doomed to make the same mistakes as our forefathers did.

Pop Music

I’ve never thought about the compression of pop music, but now that I have noticed it it’s weird. The music is always loud at almost any volume, the beat of the song drowns out the lyrics and purpose of the song. For me music has always been about its lyrical quality and purpose behind the words being spoken. The rhythm is important but good rhythm without lyrical quality leads to mundane and repetitive songs like Havana. This class might ruin my sense of music or enhance It depending on perspective but we will see. I’m definitely enjoying this class so far and I look forward to the following classes.